Online courses are the central feature of the JDinteractive program, with each online law course consisting of live and self-paced class sessions.
Each week, students complete a self-paced class session before meeting their classmates and the professor in the live online class environment. Self-paced class sessions introduce students to material via online lectures, illustrated hypotheticals, interactive exercises, and multiple choice and short answer questions. This delivery gives students the opportunity to test their understanding of the material and to receive immediate feedback.

The self-paced format also enables the professor to assess students’ progress and identify issues on which to focus attention during live class sessions. Thanks to video collaboration software, the live sessions largely mirror the classroom learning experience students have in the College of Law’s residential program, especially given the fact that all JDinteractive courses are taught by professors from the College of Law.
In the virtual classroom, students and the professor interact in real time, and the professor can dialog with students using the Socratic method of teaching, just as she or he would in a residential classroom. Students can see and respond to one another, pose their own questions, and even work together in break-out groups.
Most often, students take their live online class with the same professor who teaches the self-paced classes.